The High Line, Vol.8, No. 2&3, West Chester Branch, The Story of the Philadelpia Railroad. 6 page stapled insert about the Philadelpia Chapter of the Pennsylvania Railroad Technical & Historical Society is tucked inside the front cover.
b&w photographs, maps.
textual record : journal
1988 (Spring/Winter)
Trains, January 2006, Vol. 66, No. 1 Various articles including the cover story "Canadian Pacific cab ride: Take a trip on a busy Ontario main line" - a dispatcher rides along with a train crew to learn about conditions on this busy Ontario freight line.
General Ledger - G. H. Allan Lumber Co., 1947-1957 General Ledger - G. H. Allan Lumber Co., 1947-1957. Olive green cloth covering, including covered metal spine with 2 metal posts, and includes correspondence from 1940 - 1941 and dill tapes.
General Ledger - B.C. Spruce Mills Limited, 1922 - 24? General Ledger - B.C. Spruce Mills Limited, 1922 - 24? Olive green corduroy with leather corners & bound metal spine with lock, and brown leather face plate on front. Adjustable for size. Divider pages with leather tags, lettered.
Non-Reporting Companies Guide and Index - Crestbrook Management and Enterprises Ltd., 1981 - 1999 Non-Reporting Companies Guide and Index - Crestbrook Management and Enterprises Ltd., 1981 - 1999. Black Binder with 4 rings, dividers with different coloured tags: White Tabs - documents that may be inspected by the public; blue tabs - to be inspected by members, debenture holders, and directors; red tabs - documents to be inspected by directors only.
textual record : ledger
Canadian Pacific Railway General Business Report Kootenay Division 1959 Canadian Pacific Railway General Business Report Kootenay Division 1959. Report includes: General business report, civic officials, board of trade executives, subdivisions summary, miscellaneous, special agreements, appropriations, station names. Sky blue expandable duo tang, typewritten, single-sided, handwritten cover page. Compiled by Mr. Doug Phillips.
textual record : report
Canadian Railway Dateline 1951 Canadian Railway Dateline documentation from 1951, compiled by Mr. Doug Phillips. Sky blue expandable duo tang, typewritten, single-sided with a few pages handwritten on the second side, and corrections made.
textual record : railway information
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