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Across Canada by Rail
Booklet No. 1
Written & printed by John Poulsen.
textual record : booklet, soft cover, illustrated

1976.053.001 1-1-2-20
More Info Romance of the Canadian Pacific Railway, The
duplicate of CBK.1993.026.001
book :

More Info Front Cover of Across Canada By Rail
Booklet No. 2
photograph : b&w; photocopy

1978.230.002 1-2-1-32

Canadian Pacific New Highway to the East across the Mountains Prairies & Rivers of Canada
Discusses the route through the prairies and mountains of Canada with b&w photos and b&w illustrations.

book : softcover

1980.083.030 1-3-6-18

Canadian Railways in Pictures
Photographic Archives of Canadian Pacific, Canadian National Railways and BC Railways. Author has brought together photgraphs showing how bridges, tunnels and water crossings link overland track, how rail services the cities of today as it once contributed to their growth, winter conditions, royal and special trains, unusual loads and functions, visiting trains, trains from the great days of steam.
B & w photos accompanied brief, knowledgeable descriptions of activity in photo.
book : hardcover

1982.098.001 Library

VIA Rail Canada, The First Five Years
History of the development of Via Rail. Individual chapters discuss the various sections of the rail going across the country. Also discusses the difficult times and the future of VIA.
Col. and b&w photographs.
book : saftcover

1983.012.001 Library

Railways of Canada A Pictorial History
Railways of Canada A Pictorial History.
A story of men who built the Iron Horses which first blazed a trail through virgin forests; of engineers who braved danger and the elements guiding their trains safely through blizzards & darkness, of men who stoked the hungry fires, braked the cars in hazardous circumstances, walked & watched the tracks on duty around the clock & gave their lives riding the rails as the pioneers of progress.
Bibliography, Index.
Photos, maps & charts
book : softcover

1983.043.001 Library

Trail of Iron: The CPR and the Birth of the West, 1880-1930
Focuses on the Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Railway and its pervasive impact on the opening up of the Canadian West. Contains nearly 200 b&w photos, 16 pages of full color illustrations.
book : hardcover

1983.044.001 Library

Railways of Canada
photos & maps
book : softcover

1983.060.001 Library

Menus of the C.P.R.
Trans-Canada Limited
CP Dining Car Service Mid-day, English
Titled: Driving the Last Spike (1927)

1984.005.009 PF.0187.0018
More Info Menus of the C.P.R.
Mid-day, Driving the Last Spike (1927)

1984.005.010 PF.0187.0018

Driving a Spike
10 year old Jack Ross trying out 'Last Spike'

1984.005.111 1-2-7-24

Driving a Spike
10 year old Jack Ross trying out 'Last Spike' SAME AS 84.005.111

1984.005.112 1-2-7-25

North American Railroading
The first comprehensive encyclopedic guide to the story of railroading over a 150year period, in the United States and Canada.
b & w photos & illustrations throughout.

book : hardcover, dustjacket

1984.033.001 Library HE 2751.H8

CPR West
The Iron Road & the Making of a Nation.
maps, b & w photos, technical, Social history, using many new unpublished sources andconveying the Human side of railway and nation building.
book : hardcover

1984.049.001 Library
More Info Railway
'Canada's Transcontinental Trains'

by Via Rail
textual record : pamphlet, printed

1985.032.001 PF.0187.0025
More Info Railway
Re Col Mallandaine & CPR last spike
textual record : letter, typewritten

1986.003.001 1-3-6-13

150 Years of North American Railroad
Covers the whole 150 year history of the world's most formidable transport system, from the pioneering days of the last century to the age of Amtrak and Conrail, b&w photographs, col. photos, b&w illustrations.
book : hardcover, dustjacket

1986.010.001 Library

The Great Trains
A world-wide round up of expresses that link town to town, and state to state, many countries of the world, and which still keep their glamor today. Includes sections on Britain,Russia, Europe, North America, India and rest of the world.
B&w photos, col. & b&w illustrations.
book : hardcover

1986.015.001 Library TF573.G.72

National Dream, The & The Last Spike
Two volumes in one. A tale filled with human drama - politics, adventure, scandal, wheeling and dealing - the story of larger than life individuals who rose to prodigious feats in the pursuit and fulfillment of a dream truly national in it's scope and vision. This book contains about half the material appearing in the original editions of 'The National Dream'
and 'The Last Spike', concentrates on the main story of building the railroad.
Individual copies of these books are Cbk. 1986.058.002 and Cbk.1986.058.003 (duplicate)
book : softcover

1986.058.001 Library
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